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Usajobs government jobs federal jobs pathways ashland oregon ducks vsUsajobs government jobs federal jobs pathways ashland oregon ducks vs. Careers and Internships
The work is rewarding. The U. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to recruiting and hiring a highly qualified, diverse and inclusive workforce to support our mission. Below and on associated pages you'll find information and links about U. Fish and Wildlife Service programs and opportunities for potential candidates. Find a Job. Not sure where to start? Take a quiz to find your path. There are more than 70 careers to choose from at the U.
Fish and Wildlife Service. We value dedicated individuals with diverse education, experience and training backgrounds. Some professional jobs require a college degree.
Several have specific academic credit requirements. We offer competitive pay and generous leave , job security, a great medical and retirement benefits package , work-life flexibilities and work locations in every state and each U. Own vehicle for personal transportationnecessary. Housing provided at a field station includesprivate bedroom. If interested, please provide 1 a cover letter high-lighting your experience, the basis foryour interest in this type of opportunity, and which positionyou would like to be considered for, 2 a resume or C.
Conservation Internship - An exciting opportunity to workwith Ducks Unlimited, the leader in wetlands conservation. The conservation intern position will be housed in Ann Arbor,a regional office of DU. This position will work closely withstaff responsible for habitat delivery in the 5 Great Lakesstates, as well as assist in outreach, landowner education,research opportunities, and partnership development.
Successful applicants will be highly motivated; have strong,demonstrated oral and written communications skills; havethe ability to work both independently and as a team member;and knowledge of waterfowl, wetlands, and wildlife habitatissues.
Research Technician - I am seeking to hire one moreresearch technician to investigate the impacts of windpower development on Greater Prairie-chickens.
Fieldresearch will involve live-trapping, behavioral observations,radio-telemetry and genetic sampling of grouse in the FlintHills region of southeast Kansas. The project will offerexcellent training in basic techniques of applied wildlifeecology, and experience with a problem of conservationinterest. Responsibilities will include participation in fieldresearch, data entry, and lab analyses. The positionis available immediately, and field work will start shortly. Interested individuals should send a cover letter outliningpast research experience, a detailed curriculum vitae,and contact information for three references to Dr.
Biological Technician Position - Two full-time seasonalpositions are available May 15th through September 1st, Assist in wetland and lakeshore restoration research. Paul Metropolitan area, and possible work performed onthe University of Minnesota St.
Paul campus. Qualifications:Interest in plant ecology, and restoration ecology. Good workethic. The ability to work effectively and efficiently as a team. The ability to work long days in wet and muddy conditions. Background and experience in collecting ecological orbiological data. Plant identification skills preferred.
A goodsense of humor and a positive attitude. Submit a cover letter of whyyou are interested in the job, a copy of transcripts unofficialokay , and a current resume with three references includetheir address, phone number, and email to: Basil Iannone, Alderman Hall, Folwell Ave, St.
Paul, MN If you have any questions contact Basil at or email at ianno umn. Not a formal rotation. Freeon-site housing in renovated two-bedroom home. Contactdirector fpcaw. Send letterexpressing strong interest in wildlife, willingness to workhard for one season and ability to transport yourself to SouthFlorida.
Close Date: October 1, Field Technicians 4 - Needed to conduct bird point countsin riparian areas along the Yellowstone River in centraland eastern Montana from 10 May - 1 Aug. This studywill be an assessment of the relationships between birdcommunities and various characteristics of riparian habitatsand surrounding landscapes.
Field work will includeconducting point count surveys, sampling vegetation, andcomputer data entry. Shared housing will likely be provided;if housing is not provided, camping will be available nearfield sites. Field conditions are generally pleasant, but ticksand mosquitoes can be abundant, and weather will includecold mornings, and potentially hot and humid afternoons.
Surveys will begin very early in the morning and long workdays may be required. Applicants should be comfortableworking independently and have good interpersonal skillsfor interacting with private landowners including farmersand ranchers. The ability to identify western birds by sightand sound is desirable. Applicants with a degree, or workingtowards a degree, in a natural resource related field arepreferred. Send a resumeand cover letter along with the names, e-mail addresses,and phone numbers of three references to Danielle Jonesvia e-mail preferred EM: dgryskiewicz montana.
Close Date: UntilFilled. Ecology Field Technician - The position advertised is forone 1 full-time field technician to assist a Colorado StateUniversity graduate student in data collection.
The project isto analyze riparian plant community response to the removalof two invasive plant species. Duties include conductingvegetation surveys identifying plants, abundance, speciescomposition and cover estimates , collecting soil andseed samples, counting seeds, and digging water wells.
Candidates must possess a four-year degree or currentlybe enrolled at a college or university pursuing a degree inecology, natural resource management, range management,forestry, or other similar area. Candidates must be in goodphysical condition, capable of working long days in thefield under rugged, hot conditions. Digging wells will behard, manual labor.
Ability to work under these conditionsis essential. Candidates should be comfortable in thebackcountry, we may spend multiple nights camping in thefield. Skills in the following areas are valuable: working wellin an isolated team setting, wilderness safety and first aidtraining, and experience with backcountry travel. Experiencewith relevant fieldwork and plant identification skills aredesirable, but not necessary.
Email a page resume and cover letter, including three referenceswith telephone numbers and email addresses, to the contactinformation below. Please indicate availability as datesare somewhat flexible. Email:lindsayr cnr. Birds and Fire Research Technicians - We are looking for6 skilled technicians to assist in quantifying the responses ofbird and bug communities to prescribed fire in ponderosa pineforests of the US Southwest.
Qualifications: 1 B. Minimum Qualification: Experience sampling birdcommunities. Preferred Qualifications: Distance sampling orpoint count experience and B. Benefits: On-site housing may be provided dependingon site. Last Documentation Needed: 1 Cover letterclearly stating research interests; 2 Detailed resume; 3 Minimum of 3 references with contact information.
Send to: Lindsay Berk,berk email. Field Assistant — Individual needed hours per weekMay through mid-Aug to assist a graduate student studyingbreeding site selection of herons and egrets in central andnorth central Texas. This project focuses on residentialheronries and the research is based out of College Station. Duties consist of nest monitoring, vegetative measurements,data entry, equipment maintenance, and GIS.
Preference will be given to applicants with previousfield experience, especially nest monitoring and censusing. Workingfrom the Dallas area is a possibility. E-mail cover letter,resume and contact information for 2 references to MichaelParkes EM: mlparkes fastmail. Bat Research Technician - Needed June 1 — September15 dates somewhat flexible to assist a graduate studentwith a study of bat roosting and foraging ecology on GrandBahama, Bahamas.
Duties include using nighttime radiotelemetryto track bats through foraging areas, mistnetting,conducting roost counts of bats and vegetation sampling. Exact work schedule willvary but there will be some time to enjoy the lush tropicalsetting of Grand Bahama. Available activities includesnorkeling, hiking and relaxing on the beach.
Requirements:sense of humor, enthusiasm, flexibility, valid U. Applicantmust be comfortable being alone in the dark at night. Preferred: experience with radiotelemetry and mistnetting. Technicians will receive travel costs between Miami andfield site, room and a modest boarding stipend. Forest Songbird Technician — Three individuals needed. This position is a salaried, full-time position.
The Sr. Qualifications: A Ph. Working knowledge of federal and statethreatened, endangered, and sensitive bird survey protocolsand regulatory programs. Ability to manage multiple tasksand client concerns in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Excellent oral and written communication, statistical dataanalysis, and problem-solving skills.
Ability to travel asneeded for projects throughout the Intermountain West andSouthwest. Ability to conduct fieldwork in rough terrain whilecarrying equipment and supplies. Experience with at leastone statistical software package as well as Microsoft Officesoftware. Fax: Email: jgerster swca. Start date will be sometime between May2 — 15 depending on technician availability.
Minimum fourmonth commitment required with possibility of extension. Technicians will work as part of a person team conductingexotic ectoparasite surveillance throughout Florida forthe Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study,College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Georgia. Responsibilities include: live-trapping medium to small-sizedmammals, mist netting of birds, trapping herps, conductingthorough ectoparasite exams on captured animals,performing tick drags, collecting and handling of biomedicalspecimens, data entry, and cleaning field equipment andvehicles.
Typically, work is scheduled Monday to Fridayalthough some weekend work may be required. Applicantsmust be willing to tolerate biting insects and work in rain andextreme heat and humidity. Expect long, irregular work hours. Project vehicle provided for field work. As one file, email aresume, cover letter and contact info for three referencesto Britta Hanson bhanson vet. Provide andhighlight specific details in your application regarding yourexperience i.
Preference will be given to those with extensive mistnetting experience. Position will be filled ASAP. Call 10 am to 8 pm EST if you have questions. Field Assistants — Two to four individuals needed to takepart in final year of a long-term study looking at landscapeeffects on the survival of Blackburnian and Black-throated Green Warblers in and around beautiful Fundy NationalPark in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada.
Work involvesresighting of previously colour-banded individuals of bothfocal species as well as assisting at MAPS stations in park. Map reading, basic GPS, and compass skills required. Someexperience with forest birds preferred though all interestedpeople are encouraged to apply. Box , Fredericton, N. Field Assistants — Two individuals needed 15 May - 15 Jun Two field assistants are being recruited to conductavian point counts on Cherokee National Forest in themountains of eastern Tennessee.
Qualified applicants musthave had ornithology and be able to identify local birds bysight and song. Applicants must be in excellent physicalcondition for hiking in the mountains over rugged terrain,capable of operating off-road motorcycles and ATVs andcapable of working independently.
Applicants also shouldbe able to use GPS equipment and map and compass tonavigate in remote areas. To apply send letterof interest, resume, transcripts, and names and contactinformation for three references to: Dr. This research will focus on understanding if intensebegging behavior by cowbirds is a unique adaptation forbrood parasitism and how different host environmentsinfluence the development of cowbird begging strategies. Work will consist primarily of behavioral observations,nest searching, and assistance with begging experiments.
Successful applicants must be reliable, able to workindependently, and be tolerant of heat and ticks. Applicantswith previous nest searching experience will receive priority,but highly motivated individuals lacking experience will alsobe considered. Housing is not supplied, butinexpensive housing can be found within 10 miles of studysite in Manhattan, KS.
Interested applicants should emaila cover letter, CV, and the contact information of threereferences to Jim Rivers via email EM: rivers lifesci. Inyour cover letter, highlight relevant experience and indicatehow this position fits into your long-term career goals.
These two projects are part of an ongoing 23 year studyof the Eastern Kingbird, under the direction of the principalinvestigator Dr. Michael T. I will be investigatingthe reproductive consequences of early spring arrival,factors influencing recruitment rates, and the role of floater non-breeding individuals. The other researcher will beinvestigating how hormones influence the mating systemand parental behavior of kingbirds. Location: MalheurNational Wildlife Refuge.
Located in Southeastern Oregonnear the Steens Mountain Range, Malheur is a , acreecological island in the desert, that hosts over speciesof birds, 58 species of mammals and many reptiles as well. Duties: Nest searching, capturing and banding birds usingmist nets , and behavioral observations of breeding EasternKingbirds. Hours will vary quite a bit with some morningsstarting as early as or 3 a. Independent research projects may be possibledepending on the individual.
Qualifications: Pursuing degreein biology or related degree preferred , good color vision,some birding experience preferred , and tolerance of heatand biting insects. The main requirement is a strong workethic, the ability to work early mornings and long days undervarying conditions. Preference will be given to someone whocan commit to a majority of the season. HOUSING: Tentlivingis required tent provided if necessary but we havedaily access to a bunkhouse with full bathroom and kitchenfacilities.
Most meals will be provided. A small stipend orhourly pay is possible but will depend entirely on availablefunding. All field transportation will be provided so a vehicleis not technically required, but would be desirable for daysoff. To apply please send a resume with names, phonenumbers and emails of references , and a cover letterthat outlines your qualifications and your interest in fieldbiology to: Nathan Cooper EM: nathanwands hotmail. Applications will be reviewed asthey are received.
Grassland Field Technician - Field technicians areneeded for the field season on projects examining theinteraction of fire and grazing in Oklahoma grasslands.
Workwill primarily involve vegetation sampling but may includethe collection of data associated with animal ecology aswell. Housing at field sites will be provided as will vehiclesfor work purposes. Candidates shouldbe willing to work 40 hours, 5 days each week in conditionscharacterized by intense sunlight, high temperatures andhumidity, and must be in good physical condition, able towalk extensive distances. For more information please call Ourecologists provide a wide array of services for public andprivate clients.
These include public clients whose interestsare in developing large-scale conservation practices andprivate clients seeking approval for master developmentprojects. No matter the project, our goals and objectivesare to improve the quality of the projects with which weare involved with respect to the long-term conservation ofsignificant natural resources.
Our ecologists are often engaged in arduous workin the field, scientific analyses, incorporation of our work intoprojects that include many disciplines, and a healthy debateabout scientific aspects and unique approaches to resourceconservation. If you are interested in becoming part of ourdynamic firm, please submit your resume to hr glatting. Ability to identify birds by sight and sound eastern NorthAmerican , or experience and ability in handling birds andremoving birds from mist nets is critical.
Minimum staywould be 2 weeks. Long term volunteersreceive a food stipend and are provided accommodation. The PhD project is aimed at understanding the proximateand ultimate aspects of the male and female plumageornamentation, and will combine behavioral observationsof colour ringed birds with analysis of paternity, sexhormones and color reflectance spectra.
A color-ringed studypopulation has been established in at the MorningtonWildlife Sanctuary, Western Australia. We are looking for anambitious, highly motivated behavioral ecologist, with goodorganizational skills, able to work independently as well asin a team, who would like to take this unique opportunity tocombine field work in remote Western Australia with lab workat the well-equipped Max Planck Institute for Ornithologyin southern Germany.
Experience with molecular genetictechniques micro-satellites for paternity determinationpreferably , proven ability to disseminate research resultsin writing, knowledge of theoretical background of sexualselection and practical experience with challenging field workunder extreme tropical conditions are all highly desirable.
Fluency in English is necessary, working knowledge ofGerman is advantageous but not essential. Training in othertechniques will be provided if necessary. We offer superblogistical support, both in the field and in the lab, and abody of supportive data has already been accumulated. Theproject is supervised by Dr. Michelle Hall,who addresses aspects of acoustic signaling by duettingin purple-crowned fairy-wrens.
Starting date is as soon aspossible. Duration of the position is for 3 years, with a sixmonth trial-period, and an annual stipend of approximately Applicationswill be reviewed as they come in, for full consideration,please send the following details: A full curriculum vitae,a short description of research experience and interests, examples of written work, names and contact details including phone number and email of 3 referees. Sendapplications and enquiries for information to: Dr.
AnnePeters EM: peters orn. Work will include daily visual migrationcounts, constant-effort mist netting, data entry, some publiceducation, as well as other duties associated with the dailyoperation of the field station.
Applicants should have a keeninterest in birds and must be familiar with the majority ofmigrant species encountered in the Great Lakes region. The ideal candidate will be prepared to conductvisual migration counts each morning, seven days-a-week,for the duration of their stay, and commit at least one monthto the project. Preference will be given to candidates who areavailable for the entire season. Send cover letter, resume, references and relevantbirding experience by email EM: ggibson peleeisland.
Bird Conservation Intern - Individual is needed startingspring to last 4 to 6 months. The MANEM regional planis being developed by Manomet under the auspices ofthe Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Initiative aninternational bird conservation partnership comprised ofresearchers, wildlife managers, educators and policy-makersfrom Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America andthe Caribbean.
MANEM spans 11 states and 4 provinces,includes 74 species of waterbirds, and the plan is currentlynearing the publication stage. Wehave several projects that are at the data analyses andpublication stage. Intern duties for both projects include avariety of research and planning tasks. Specifically, the internwill assist with finalizing the MANEM document, conductinginternet and literature research, assisting with datamanagement and interpretation, and communication needs written and web-based.
Additionally, opportunities exist forparticipation in fieldwork including heron and egret surveys,passerine banding, and tree swallow nest box monitoring. This internship offers an excellent opportunity to participatein and contribute to science-based conservation planningand implementation and to experience numerous aspects ofwildlife sciences. Qualifications: Application deadline: Apr 30, Housing on beautiful CapeCod Bay is provided.
Please send letter of interest referringto the Bird Conservation Internship, resume and 3 referencesto Stephanie Schmidt, EM: waterbirds manomet. PhD Assistantship - A 4-yr PhD assistantship in theDepartment of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon StateUniversity is available to investigate the effects of livestockgrazing on abundance and reproduction of grasslandpasserines.
The successful candidate willbe part of a team of scientists representing the disciplinesof Animal Science, Entomology, Plant Ecology and WildlifeEcology. The prospective student should have a M. S he should also have background and strong interest in avianpopulation ecology. Experience working on multi-disciplinarygrassland projects is desirable as are excellent quantitativeskills and publication experience.
The assistantship will beavailable 1 May Patricia Kennedy- PhD advisor. Send emailpreferred a cover letter summarizing your background,relevant experience, motivation and interests, a resume,transcripts, GRE scores and contact information for threereferences to: Patricia Kennedy, Eastern Oregon AgriculturalResearch Center , Union Experiment Station, P. Duties include snowsurveys, anatomical dissections, reading uniquely-codedneck collars on geese, nest searching islands for seaduck nests and capture of hens, helicopter-assisted goosebanding, general camp chores.
Positions are volunteer, but travel, accommodations,and food provided. Firstaid and CPR certification required; experience with boatsand firearms a definite plus. Our season will start during the last weekof Apr and will run to mid Jun. EM: plus northwestel. Ted Murphy-Kelly bander-incharge. Field Biologists - Needed for third year of bird populationstudies in montane forests of East Mountain in northeasternVermont, 29 May to 28 Jul This project will collect dataat a proposed wind power site, as a baseline to evaluatepost-construction impacts.
Priorfield experience with some of the above especially mistnetting absolutely necessary. Work requires excellent physicalcondition, own transportation, ability to work independently,and high tolerance of the following: very long days predawnstart , weather extremes, hiking in rugged terrain,biting insects, and rustic group living conditions. Field Technicians - Individuals needed mid-May throughmid- Jul to conduct general avian surveys and surveysfor the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher inNew Mexico and Colorado.
Experience identifying avianspecies of the southwest by sight and sound essential. Experience conducting U. Surveys would be conducted inthe Albuquerque and Farmington areas NM as well assouthwestern Colorado.
Lodging available for most sites;however, some camping may be required. Flexibility is amust. Vehicles not provided, however mileage would bereimbursed at the federal rate. Email submissions preferred. Positions willlast from mid-Apr through Jul.
Primary duties will includeconducting point counts, vegetation surveys, data entry, andthe possibility of some management oriented work such asprescribed burning. Applicantsshould be working toward a B. Consideration will also be given torecent graduates interested in gaining more field experience. Previous experience conducting point counts and knowledgeof southeastern birds preferred, but not required.
Most importantqualifications are a good sense of humor and strong workethic. Inquiriesand applications should be sent via email to Adam Butler EM: adam ttrs.
Assistant - Ecology research assistant needed for a studyof nutrient dynamics in Florida scrub ecosystems. Work willbe both in the field and in the lab, and duties will includeassessing vegetation composition and structure, collectingplant and soil samples, conducting root uptake experiments,and general lab work.
The successful applicant will alsoassist with the collection of plant demography data for thePlant Ecology Lab at ABS. Applicants must be willing to workevenings and weekends when necessary, be able to workunder hot and humid field conditions, be able to work andlive well with others, be enthusiastic about research andlearning, and be outgoing and sociable. Food and housing will be provided atABS, and travel to the station will be covered.
Start date isapproximately May 1st or as soon as successful applicantis available , and employment will continue until the endof July or mid-August. To apply, send a cover letter statingwhy you are interested in this position and a resume or CV including names, email addresses, and telephone numbersof 3 references to Jenny Schafer at jschafer ufl.
Field Internships - We are looking for 2 interns to assistwith ongoing field research on the hormonal basis ofparental behavior in White-throated Sparrows.
Field workwill be conducted in the Penobscot Experimental Forest inBradley, Maine from approximately 15 May - 4 Aug dates flexible. The primary responsibilities of interns willentail nest searching, monitoring nests, filming parentalbehavior, measuring nestling growth rates, and assisting withthe mist-netting and sampling of parental adults.
Interns willalso have the opportunity to gain familiarity with other fieldand laboratory techniques used in this study, as we intendto provide a wide-ranging educational experience. Internship — Looking for a teaching kids in the greatoutdoors? There are still a few positions available for thisupcoming fall semester in the Naturalist Internship programat the Glen Helen Ecology Institute. In addition, we areactively recruiting interns for the academic yearand for summer staff Positions are open until filled, andpreference is given to early applicants.
Links below provideposition descriptions and applications. Of course, interestedpersons are welcome to contact me for more informationabout these or other programs at the Glen. I can also send aPDF version of position flyers that could be posted on bulletinboards for busy students to read.
Motyka Davidson EM:mdavidson antioch-college. Minimum Qualifications: Experience banding birds isdesired, but not necessary.
Applicants should be able to useMicrosoft Excel for data entry. The person selected for thisposition should also be able to work independently and payclose attention to detail both in data entry and banding sitemaintenance.
For information or complaints regarding discrimination,contact the personnel office of the North Dakota Gameand Fish Department, N. Forest Bird Research Assistants - Two are needed toparticipate in a study examining the effects of mountainpine beetle defoliation and salvage harvesting on aviancommunities.
The positions will be based in Prince George,British Columbia, but some office days in Vancouver areexpected at the beginning and end of the appointment. Applicants must available to start work by 1 May at the latest,and preferably earlier. The appointment for the fieldworkcomponent is for approximately 3 months. Senior applicantswho can start earlier may apply for an extended appointment,to assist with field preparation, data analyses, and literaturereview.
The extended appointment is for a 6 to 8 monthperiod, with a further extension possible pending funding. Primary duties include establishing study transects andplots, avian point count surveys, measuring stand structure,and entering data. Applicants must be able to identifyforest songbirds by sight and sound, and have songbirdexperience in the field. Applicants must be enthusiasticand resourceful, willing to put in long work weeks andcamp if needed.
Also required are good bush skills, includingthe ability to navigate in forested landscapes using maps,photos, GPS , meticulous data collection and recordingskills, and experience driving on active logging roads. First Aid certification is preferred. Applicants interested inthe extended appointment should have strong databasemanagement and computer skills. Housingwill be provided while in Prince George, but successfulcandidates must have own accommodations whileconducting office work in Vancouver.
Applicants must beeligible to work in Canada and have a Canadian S. Toapply, please send a cv and cover letter describing relevantexperience, preferably by email, to Ann Chan-McLeod EM: ann.
Internships — Available throughout the year for U. This is one of the oldest endangeredspecies programs, with many governmental and nongovernmentalpartners. Essential: valid drivers license; bachelors degree or pursuing in wildlife management, natural resources,or related field. Preferable: experience in remote fieldlocations; 4WD vehicle experience; ability to drive standardtransmission; ATV driving experience. Interns are required tocommit to full-time work for a minimum of 6 months.
Start andfinish dates are flexible throughout the year. Ten days on, fourdays off in a two week period is standard. Lodging is providedon refuge in a remote location during the work shift, mustuse own vehicle for travel to the Refuge on days off. Field Assistant - Needed 1 May thru Mid-Jul to assistin study on nest site selection of passerines in responseto nest site and juvenile rearing locations of black-billedmagpies a potential nest predator in Jackson, Wyoming.
Activities will include nest searching and monitoring, bandingnestlings, and vegetation surveys. Enthusiasm, goodphysical condition, and ability to tolerate early morningsand insects are required. Interested applicantsshould e-mail cover letter, resumes, and contact info for 3references to Court Smith C EM: court. Position could be extended based on performance andproject funding. Biologist Position - Point counter needed for new study inriparian habitat along the Merced River. Workprimarily includes point counts and vegetation surveys withsome public outreach and education and also includes dataentry and proofing.
Position requires previous experiencemonitoring western birds and excellent ID skills. Selfmotivation,a positive attitude and the desire to spend longhours in the field in hot weather are required.
A functioningpair of binoculars and use of a personal vehicle for workrequired 4WD not necessary ; use of personal vehicles willbe reimbursed. Biologist needed from mid Apr to mid-Jul. Accommodations will be camping and motels provided. The candidate will develop andconduct thesis research on one of the following topics:1 Predator effects on avian nest success in fire andmechanically treated habitats.
As wellas conducting research for their thesis, the candidate willbe expected to participate in all aspects of project datacollection. Qualifications: Interest and experience in wildlifeecology and management; capacity and willingness towork both independently and as part of a team; ability toidentify birds of the eastern U. Start date Aug To apply, please send a letterof interest including which of the research topics from thelist above you would most like to pursue and why, resume,copies of transcripts and GRE scores unofficial , and contactinformation for three references to: William M.
Emailapplications are encouraged. Work involves locating nests, conductingsurveys, trapping and banding, placing protective fencingaround nests, following broods and periodic assistanceto staff at cooperating agencies for signing, roping andmonitoring during habitat restoration work. Work requireslong hours under a variety of weather conditions. PreferredQualifications: Undergraduate degree in Biology, WildlifeBiology, or Ecology, with equivalent field experience in avianresearch; experience in methods commonly used to locate,capture, band and observe nesting shorebirds; ability tocommunicate well under a variety of situations, including oneon one, in small group settings, and with partner agencies;ability to prepare complete and concise summary and annualreports; willingness to work under a variety of weatherconditions, ability to hike miles per day, and the abilityto operate off road vehicles.
This work requires an ability tocommunicate ecology to citizens. Strong applicants will haveexperience re-sighting color-banded birds, finding nests, andcapturing and banding birds. Willingness to work long hours,six days a week in a team-oriented environment essential. Daily car travel within the Washington, DC area, meticulousdata entry, and other office-related tasks also involved. Vehiclesfor research activities and housing in proximity to researchbase provided.
Please send cover letter, CV, and the names,addresses, and phone numbers of three references to BobReitsma EM: reitsmar si. The position duration is Position description: member of four-person seabird fieldcrew working along the western Strait of Juan de Fuca andouter coast of Washington south to the Columbia River. The duty station will be at theWDFW headquarters in Olympia but technicians will be livingin a trailer and hotels during the week per diem provided.
Responsibilities: These positions collect detailed at-seaMarbled Murrelet distribution and abundance data usingline transect distance sampling and to enter those data intospecialized software on a laptop computer during surveys. Data collection will also include distribution and abundanceof all seabirds and marine mammals encountered alongtransects.
Minimum Qualifications:Graduation from high school or GED, including one yearof high school science and two years of experience as aScientific Technician 1 or Graduation from high school orGED including one year of high school science and twoyears of laboratory or field experience as an assistant toa biologist, chemist, or zoologist.
College course workinvolving major study in biology, zoology, fisheries, chemistry,natural sciences, or closely allied field will substitute, year foryear, for experience, provided the course work includes atleast six semester or nine quarter hours of natural scienceclasses.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resumeincluding the names, phone numbers and e-mail addressesof three professional references electronically to MoniqueLance, EM: lancemml dfw. If you have questionsor would like additional information, please contact Monique. Activitieswill include mist netting, banding, surveying and bandresighting of Semipalmated Sandpipers while working at animportant migratory stopover site. Technicians will work longhours early mornings! Applicants shouldhave good eyesight, be an enthusiastic field worker, andable to live in close quarters.
Previous banding experiencepreferred, though not required. Housing provided. Please sendletter of interest, resume, and contact info. Grassland Bird Research Assistant — Summer - Positions: We are seeking well qualified and highlymotivated persons to assist in surveying bird communitiesin southern Iowa grasslands.
This work is part of a largerproject examining wildlife and habitat responses to afire-grazing approach to ecologically sound landscapemanagement. Position s will begin in May and continuethrough early- to mid-Aug. Experience with plant ID, field sampling, orienteering, and mgt. Full description at the CNHP website. Collins, CO Open until Mar 15th, or until filled. The initial time-frame for this position will be 6 months with the potential for longer duration employment depending on future funding for this project.
This position is full-time hourly without benefits potential for full-time benefits eligible position exists based on funding and adequate performance, after the initial 6-month period.
Applicant must be willing to travel for weeks at a time for field work once or twice during the 6 month period. Please submit resume by May 8th for a start date in mid- to late-May to: Mr. Shannon Spencer shannon. Duties include mistnetting and handling bats, using radio-telemetry to track bats to day roosts, conducting nightly emergence counts of bats, insect sampling, and vegetation sampling. Positions entail long, odd work hours many late nights, some early mornings in a variety of weather conditions 40ss, hot sun and monsoon rains , and hiking in rugged terrain.
The work schedule will be days-on, 4-days-off, providing plenty of weekend time to explore nearby areas including the San Juan National Forest, Durango, Telluride and the Four Corners region. Requirements: sense of humor, enthusiasm, flexibility, valid U. Field vehicles and a tent site at a developed campground in the park will be provided.
The successful candidate will work with CSU and international project scientists to create an agent- based model of livestock producing households, representing decision making in the US Great Plains, Kenya, and Mongolia. The candidate will collaborate with project scientists to link the agent-based model to two existing ecosystem models.
There will be opportunity for some international travel. The applicant must have an understanding of or exposure to ecological modeling, simulation modeling, and agent-based modeling. A working knowledge of Java or other high-level languages is required. The successful candidate should be comfortable working as part of a large interdisciplinary team. Experience in environmental sciences and work in savanna or rangeland environments is desirable. The position will be filled in early , and is expected to be funded at least through September Application deadline is November 22, Send a letter of application outlining your experience, training, and abilities, a curriculum vitae or resume, and contact information for three references to: Roni Hoffman, Campus Delivery, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado A willingness to snorkel during vegetation collection is also desirable.
The position is available from June 27 through October 31, Interested candidates should contact: Dr. Jason White , jason. Consolidated Safety Services, Inc. Location: Monterey, California. Start Date: Summer, Length of Appointment: until at least Sept 30, This is not a federal position.
The successful candidate will work under a Consolidated Safety Services, Inc. CSS contract. BT is currently working on a number of collaborative efforts with partner agencies e.
The position described here is for a contractor to work on two such assessments, specifically, the characterization, of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and an integrated biogeographic assessment along the continental west coast of the USA. Required areas of expertise and knowledge: Marine Ecology 1. Degree s and experience in temperate marine ecology west coast experience preferred 2.
Willingness and ability to travel 3. Ability to have fun while working as part of a team 4. Working knowledge and use of GIS technology 2. Working knowledge and use of Database Management Systems 3. Ability to compile, integrate, and conduct ecological assessments Statistics 1.
Experience or training in basic statistical methods 2. Experience with statistical software e. The candidate will be supporting a team of marine scientists with strong analytical capabilities.
Extensive compilation and synthesis of existing data is the focus of this position including working with west coast scientists and institutions to conduct biogeographic assessments along the west coast with emphasis on the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. The incumbent will be responsible for compiling, integrating, analyzing, and developing assessment reports that define the biogeography of the US west coast. This will require extensive coordination and consultation with partners within NOAA and at many other federal, state, academic, and private sector institutions.
The incumbent must be a team player who can also work with minimal oversight. Please email resume and salary requirements to dnj consolidatedsafety. Applicants should have a B. The preferred candidate should also be able to advise clients on Section and associated federal, state and local permitting issues, and be experienced with GPS, GIS, AutoCAD and other mapping tools.
Excellent communication and project coordination skills, a familiarity with the ecology of the southeastern U. We offer an excellent benefits plan including paid holidays, vacation, medical, life, and short and long-term disability programs. Please send a brief resume and cover letter detailing pertinent work experience to: resumes contoureng. This study will assess the bird and bat mortality resulting from collisions with the turbines. Duties include searching for evidence of bird collisions under towers and data entry.
Employment will be by contract with Curry and Kerlinger, LLC an environmental consulting company from June 1, to November 31, , with the possibility of extended employment in Applicant should have a high school diploma. Applicant must be physically fit and will need to maintain concentration while searching over long distances. Send resume and cover letter to: Aaftab Jain, Project Manager aaftabj hotmail.
You may also apply through regular mail at Aaftab Jain Marlborough Rd. In this highly competitive internship, participants will interact with leaders in the field of applied plant conservation while attending the two-week intensive seminar in plant conservation techniques and program development at Denver Botanic Gardens, followed by a seven-week internship with an independent research project component.
Participants will work with Denver Botanic Gardens conservation and research staff to gain extensive hands-on experience in plant conservation research and application. Potential foci include rare plant monitoring, noxious week control, ex-situ plant conservation, and habitat restoration methods. Application materials and more information or contact Carol Winther, Program Coordinator , WintherC botanicgardens. Deadline: March 1, Ducks Unlimited: Regional Biologist.
The successful applicant will join a highly motivated conservation team dedicated toward accomplishing DU's mission. This position will report to the Manager of Conservation Programs and will be responsible for the development, administration, and delivery of conservation programs in Virginia and West Virginia, with a focus on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Responsibilities will include coordination, implementation, and administration of DU's Conservation Programs on public and private lands in VA and WV including coastal and inland wetland restoration and land protection activities.
The successful applicant will also work with DU volunteers and fund-raising staff, and disseminate information on DU conservation programs to private individuals, and state and federal agencies. Requirements: Strong working knowledge of inland and coastal wetland values and functions, restoration techniques, and management is required. Knowledge of regional conservation issues including land protection is important. Experience in managing multi-agency conservation programs is critical.
Minimum B. Applicant must have demonstrated strong interpersonal communication skills, both oral and written. A close working relationship with local, state and federal personnel, private landowners, and other conservation partners will be an important aspect of the job.
The ability to communicate with private landowners, and state and federal resource managers will be critical. The ability to prepare reports, funding proposals, and project budgets is necessary. Applicants should send a letter addressing qualifications and a complete resume including a list of three references by March 1, to: Grace E. Phone: , gbottitta ducks. The Clark lab seeks full-time field assistants for summer We study plant community ecology and forest responses to global change.
Field assistants will help with several ongoing projects to study forest responses to canopy gaps and herbivore exclusion, monitor environmental variability using a wireless sensor network, and explore fungal pathogen ecology.
These positions involve mainly field work, but also some laboratory analyses. Experience with field work and ecological research a plus, but not required. Start and end dates flexible, but preferably from May through August. Housing and transportation will be provided for trips to the Appalachians. If interested, please contact Michelle Hersh, mhh4 duke. Include in your message a resume and a brief description of your relevant experience.
Duke University: Duke Forest Program Coordinator, to provide support for the operation of the Duke Forest as an outdoor teaching and research laboratory, with an emphasis on information, database, and geographic technology systems that include Internet access. The 7, acre Duke Forest is owned and managed by Duke University as an outdoor laboratory for teaching and research activities in the natural sciences. The Forest staff facilitates these activities by providing background information for project site selection and establishment and maintenance of a wide variety of stand types and conditions.
In addition the Forest serves as an important open space resource for the surrounding communities. Provide data entry, analysis, and custom map creation. Support academic users of the Forest and other stakeholders by providing data and custom maps. Oversee the development of an online content management system such as Plone and Internet mapping server IMS application such as MapServer to allow Forest users access to data and track academic uses.
Perform data analysis and support the production of reports, proposals, presentations, and correspondence related to the Forest's mission. Maintain the Duke Forest Web site by incorporating content updates and periodic technology enhancements. Communicate effectively in writing and verbally with a variety of constituency groups. Assume related responsibilities that may be assigned by the Forest Resource Manager in fulfillment of the Office of the Duke Forest's mission.
Experience with scripting e. Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Prefer candidate with background in natural resources, environmental studies or forestry.
Must have at least two years of related experience. Salary commensurate with background, training and experience. Phone: , Email: judeburn duke. Lab work includes processing litterfall material, processing field data, hiring and coordination of part-time workers, and general management of the lab.
Candidates should have bachelors or masters degree in biological or forest sciences, be in good physical condition, be able to work at canopy-level heights, and be able to work occasionally at dawn or dusk. Position starts immediately and includes benefits. To apply, send cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 references to Jeffrey Pippen at jspippen duke. Field surveys will begin in early May and continue until August. Primary activities will be to GPS and map the occurrence of prairie dog colonies, conduct point count surveys for grassland bird species, and sample amphibian populations.
Other related duties include collecting habitat data and entering data. Qualifications: 1 Knowledge of techniques including species identification, use of maps and GPS, and habitat sampling, 2 Ability to work effectively with private landowners, companies, and state and federal agency personnel, 3 Must be in good physical condition and be able to work independently and as part of a small team, 4 Must be able to safely operate vehicles with standard transmissions, and 5 Must be able to start work in early May.
Housing, field equipment, and field vehicles will be provided. Individuals are responsible for providing their own transportation to the project area. Requirements: Valid driver's license. Apply: Submit a resume and cover letter addressing each of the identified qualifications. Also, include the names, addresses, emails, and telephone numbers of three references.
Applicant selection will continue until positions are filled. Box , Seeley Lake, MT Ecosystem Management Research Institute: 2 seasonal range or botany field technicians to conduct vegetation and ecological site surveys in the Rocky Mountain Front Range near Choteau, Montana.
This work is part of a project assessing and describing ecosystem diversity on private lands with particular emphasis in riparian areas. Field surveys will begin in late May and continue through mid-August, with flexible starting and ending dates depending upon each individual's ability. Requirements: valid driver's license. Review of applications will begin in mid-March, however, applicant selection will continue until positions are filled.
Ecosystem Management Research Institute: 3 seasonal range or botany field technicians to conduct vegetation and ecological site surveys in the Thunder Basin prairie of eastern Wyoming. This work is in support of a collaborative ecosystem management initiative involving both private and public lands. The project is located in the Thunder Basin region and has a particular emphasis on the ecology and management of cheatgrass infested rangeland.
Housing, field equipment and field vehicles will be provided. Environmental Concern Inc: National non-profit organization seeking an energetic and creative individual to join our dynamic team of wetland education professionals.
The successful candidate will develop and implement hands-on environmental education initiatives in support of our mission to promote the understanding and stewardship of wetlands.
The Planning of Wetlands as well as other wetland related courses ie. Applicants must also possess strong organizational, writing and communication skills, be able to manage multiple tasks concurrently, be comfortable working independently and as a team with a diverse client base, skilled at basic computer programs, adjust to seasonal changes in workload.
Past experience with schoolyard habitat construction, marketing and databases a plus. This position requires a valid drivers license. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Bronwyn Mitchell, Education Director at dir.
Box P, St. Michaels, MD To learn more about Environmental Concern, please visit us online at www. The work is intermittent in nature, scattered throughout the summer. Temporary employees are hired to assist permanent ESCO Field Biologists in the collection of quantitative vegetation monitoring data.
Travel to Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona is required. Room, board, and travel expenses are paid during out of town field trips. Pre-requisites: B. Hours are long and work may require hiking through rough terrain. Safety training and drug screening are also required. Send resume and cover letter, including availability for the summer to: Gretchen Waldenberg Gretchenwald mindspring. ETI Professionals, Inc. For more information, see the full job ad.
The primary responsibilities include field work collecting data related to fire ecology. This data may include but is not limited to the effects of fire upon vegetation and other living organisms. Additional responsibilities include use of personal computers and data entry. Closes: April The Editorial Assistant will participate fully in the day-to-day running of the journal, and also contribute to proof reading and copy editing. This position would suit a graduate with a degree in biology or a related subject already working in publishing, or a graduate who has the ability to develop the appropriate skills.
Applicants should send a covering letter, full CV and contact details for two referees to the address below or by email by 26 August Applicants must be comfortable working in a sometimes harsh environment. Starting pay is dependent on qualifications and experience. Please email application material to Dr. John Volin, jvolin fau. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Applicants must be able to work with minimal supervision and be comfortable working in a sometimes harsh environment. Knowledge of the flora of South Florida and airboats are desirable.
Applicants must be willing to commit to the position for a minimum of one year. Mary Ann Furedi, mfuredi fau. Three Wildlife Field Technicians needed from 27 February - 15 August with possible extension to 1 September for surveys of breeding Cuban snowy plovers along the Gulf Coast of Florida. Duties will include censusing potential nesting beaches on foot or by ATV some sites to be accessed by boat , searching for and marking nests, observing bird behavior, interacting with public land managers and private landowners, and data entry.
Qualifications: Applicants must possess good bird identification and observation skills, bird survey experience, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to work independently. In addition to the above qualifications, strong preference shall be given to applicants with extensive experience operating boats in deep and open bodies of water. Special Note: Applicants must be willing and able to work under unpredictable and adverse weather conditions potentially long hours, high heat and humidity, intense sun , and be willing to travel and camp.
Himes MyFWC. Douglass MyFWC. John G. Nancy J. Florida International University: The Freshwater Biogeochemistry Laboratory of the Southeast Environmental Research Center is seeking a full-time research technician to aid in the collection and analysis of soil, detritus, water, and periphyton samples from the Florida Everglades and surrounding areas. Research revolves around the cycling of C, P, and N between soil, water and biota of Everglades marshes, South Florida lakes, and Agricultural lands.
Research is primarily focused on P movement and sequestration in periphyton mats and surficial soils. Laboratory procedures will include processing samples for nutrient contents, microbial activity assays including enzyme and respiration assays, and other physicochemical properties.
Fieldwork often involves physical labor in remote, hot, wet, muddy, wonderful, environments. Send resume and the names of references via email to scintol fiu.
Leonard J. Scinto, Ph. Requirements: Knowledge and experience in navigation of South Florida bays and coastal ocean, competence in small boat trailering, ability to lift 50 lbs, valid drivers license, and schedule flexibility to accommodate some overnight travel.
Application: Interested individuals must have an undergraduate degree in chemistry or biology and be willing to start soon. Joseph N. Boyer, boyerj fiu. Florida State University: Dr. Nora Underwood and Dr. Duties will include work in the lab, greenhouse and field. We are hoping for a one-year commitment.
Starting date flexible, but as soon as July Bachelor's degree and research experience required. To apply, or for more information, please e-mail Dr. To apply, please send your CV, a letter explaining why you are interested in the job, and names and contact information for three references. Florida State University: Full-time month research technician position to assist with greenhouse, lab, and field experiments studying plant-herbivore interactions in agricultural systems.
The technician will assist with two primary projects: 1 characterizing density effects in plant-herbivore interactions for use in plant population models and 2 testing the effects of induced resistance on spatial patterns of herbivore damage. Position to begin mid-June start date flexible. Review of applications starts March 1 and will continue until the position is filled.
See the full position description for more information, or contact Stacey Halpern shalpern pacificu. The technicians will assist permanent personnel establishing a permanent vegetation plot system, collecting qualitative and quantitative data including land use, ground disturbance and vegetative cover, and plant composition.
Requirements: Someone majoring in botany, forestry, environmental studies or related field. Due to the nature of the work, applicants should also be willing and able to work in and endure the heat and humidity of the southeast, drive a 4x4 jeep, use a compass and topographic maps, and be familiar with computer operation and data entry. Duration of employment: May-Sept, College students are welcome to apply; start and end dates may be adjusted to correspond to summer break.
Successful applicants will work 40 hours per week. All application materials must be received by 01 May Geo-Marine, Inc. Required: Minimum of a B. The ideal candidate will have experience in one or more of the following: flora and fauna surveys, rare species surveys, wetland delineation, soil classification, wetland hydrology, or natural resources of the mid-Atlantic region.
The successful candidate will possess strong technical writing, organizational, and interpersonal skills as well as the ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently, while functioning in an environment of changing priorities and time constraints. Fieldwork in difficult conditions and extensive travel may be required. Position is in the Hampton, Virginia office.
Interested candidates should submit a scientific writing sample and specific project work experience with their resume. Visit our web site to post your resume and submit your application. Specific questions regarding this position may be addressed via e-mail to: Joe Campo jcampo geo-marine.
Great Basin Institute: We are seeking research associates eager to make a positive change to the environment of the Great Basin, Mojave and Lake Tahoe regions in the summer, fall and winter. If you are looking for a dynamic opportunity to develop or enhance skills related to environmental and resource management, we may have a 1- to 3-year associateship for you. New positions are continually being added so check back frequently. Great Eastern Ecology, Inc. Successful applicant must have the following: A bachelors or masters degree in wildlife biology or similar field; Five years of professional bird identification work, particularly in the Northeast United States; and Two years supervisory experience.
Qualified applicants will be hired for immediate work. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit resumes and call our office: Phone: , Fax: Duties would include, but not limited to preparing NEPA documents, Biological Assessments and other environmental reports, scheduling or assisting environmental staff, project supervision, attending meetings, conducting field surveys such as protected species surveys, wetland delineations, habitat investigations, and other natural resource investigations.
Salary is commensurate with experience and full benefits are provided. The lab studies the ecology and evolution of fungi, and is broadly interested in ecological genetics, mutualism, and community ecology, including experiments directed at understanding cooperative associations between fungi and plants, individuality in filamentous fungi, and senescence in a variety of species.
Applicants must be genuinely fascinated by basic research. The laboratory is housed at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, a vibrant intellectual community near myriad cultural resources. The technician will work under the direct supervision of the PI Anne Pringle and will assist in ongoing research and be responsible for general lab maintenance. Research will involve a variety of experiments related to the interests described above.
Lab management will include the purchase of lab supplies and equipment, maintenance of commonly used lab stocks, upkeep of fungal cultures, and general paperwork related to university protocols, e. This position requires an independent, organized, and motivated individual with demonstrated skills and experience in molecular techniques. Experience with website creation and maintenance would be a plus. As the lab is recently established much of the initial work will involve equipment set up and creation of lab protocols.
Above all, I am looking for someone who is personable, motivated and enthusiastic about working in a group environment. Informal inquiries can be directed to Anne Pringle at pringle oeb.
Please send a letter describing your research interests and experience, a resume, and contact information for three references. Applications will be reviewed beginning September 19, and will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Duties: Research scientific literature, the internet, and other sources.
Analyze and evaluate validity of available data; present data summaries in abstracts, tables, or graphs. Assist in coordination of travel and other logistics for on and off- site meetings and workshops. Attend, participate in and prepare minutes from panel meetings and workshops. Maintain paper and electronic filing systems, including contact or expert databases. Skills: Prioritize tasks and effectively manage time under heavy workloads.
Additional computer skills e. Type, format, copyedit and proofread scientific, technical, administrative and other documentation. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted, please do not call. Andrews Experimental Forest: field crew positions June 19 — September 15, are available to assist in studies of upland and riparian forests in the mountains of western Oregon and Washington. Duties include measuring tree growth and mortality on research sites that range from recently disturbed areas to old-growth forests.
Crew will be based at the H. Additionally, crew will participate in several camping trips for up to 10 days. Lodging is provided at H. Application deadline: April 1, For more information contact Howard Bruner , howard.
Houston Advanced Research Center: HARC is a nonprofit organization based in The Woodlands, Texas, dedicated to improving human and ecosystem well-being through the application of sustainability science and principles of sustainable development. NET Programmer. The position offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. The successful candidate will develop and maintain environmental databases as well as integrate databases with geospatial analysis applications and front end web interfaces.
Demonstrated ability to design and perform geospatial analysis on a variety of data for a range of scientific inquiries is preferred. Skills in data mining techniques and web-integrated database applications are desirable. The position will support the development of research projects and preparation of technical reports, summaries, protocols, and quantitative analyses. The candidate should show initiative in investigating, creating and developing new methods for project advancement.
The ideal candidate will display the ability to analyze complex problems and exercise independent judgment in developing methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results. Microsoft certifications are a plus. An ecological consulting firm based in Northern California, we are seeking field biologists and seasonal staff.
With expert biologists and cornerstone projects, H. Harvey focuses on providing outstanding scientific expertise to develop successful ecological solutions. We encourage mammalogists, ornithologists, herpetologists and general wildlife ecologists with backgrounds in ecology or wildlife management to apply for full- and part-time positions. Field work might include surveys, wildlife inventories including special-status and endangered species , site characterizations, and environmental impact assessments in support of CEQA and NEPA documents.
Graduate degree in wildlife ecology preferred; equivalent work may be substituted. Demonstrable field skills critical, technical writing ability and good communication skills are also required. An excellent salary and benefits package is available. To apply for this position, please e-mail your resume and references to personnel harveyecology. Hudsonia Ltd. Candidate must be familiar with northeastern U.
Other field biology knowledge e. Responsibilities include map analysis and air photo interpretation for predicting habitats, GIS mapping, field habitat assessments and biological surveys, data management and analysis, writing reports and scientific papers, giving public presentations and educational workshops, and working with municipal agencies.
Candidate must have good interpersonal skills, and be able to communicate well with landowners, public officials, and the general public.
Candidate must be able to work independently on their own projects, and to work closely with other staff in a small organization. Candidate must have personal vehicle for travel to field sites, and be able to conduct field work alone on foot year-round.
Hudsonia is a non-advocacy, public interest organization, and an Equal Opportunity Employer; minorities and women are encouraged to apply. Send letter, resume, three scientific or technical writing samples, and names and contact information for at least three professional or academic references to: Gretchen Stevens, Hudsonia Ltd.
Closing date: 30 June or when position is filled. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Joe River, Idaho. Institute for Applied Ecology: We will be hiring up to ten interns this summer for field work and related activities.
Our paid internship program is intended to provide field experience to individuals considering conservation biology or restoration ecology as a career choice.
This year we will be hiring interns for three programs: Native Seed Network 3 : Interns will be collecting seed from native plants for restoration throughout the Willamette Valley as well as assisting in wetlands restoration programs. Mid May -late September. Direct questions to Melanie Gisler melanie nativeseednetwork. Regional Strategies for Restoring Native Prairies: 2 Field assistants will help on a large scale project involving prairie restoration and monitoring plant communities in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
Late April - early July flexible. Direct questions to Amanda Stanley astanley peak. Conservation Research : Conservation research interns work on a variety of projects throughout the summer including rare plant habitat surveys, threatened and endangered species research and monitoring throughout the state of Oregon, and habitat conservation planning with focus on Willamette Valley prairies. Early May to late August.
Usajobs government jobs federal jobs pathways ashland oregon ducks vs. April 2006 Green Careers Journal - Environmental Career Center
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